Our juices

Our fruit juices and smoothies

Concentrated juices

For our concentrated juices, we extract only the water from the fruit. This way the full flavor is perfectly preserved.

Ready-to-drink sappen

Pure fruit juices and smoothies without added sugars. After pressing, heat them briefly so they stay good for a long time.

✓ Made with lots of delicious fresh fruit.

✓ Long shelf life, easy to serve.

✓ Free juicer and/or juice dispenser.

Packaging and storage

All our concentrated and ready-to-drink juices are packaged in a convenient 10 liter bag-in-box. These can be stored unrefrigerated. The juices and smoothies will then have a shelf life of at least 6 months. You simply place a bag-in-box in the juicer or juice dispenser. Opened bag-in-boxes remain tasty for 21 days!

✓ Delivered six days a week

✓ Free delivery from 250 euros

✓ Delivery throughout the Netherlands